
时间:2021-09-22  阅读量:1791次


报告题目:Open vs. Closed: Assessing A Ride-hailing Platform’s Openness Strategies with Surge Demand Considered


报告地点:腾讯会议(825 702 283)




The rise of the sharing economy has caused disruptions to traditional business-to-consumer (B2C) markets. In response, some B2C companies have turned their closed ecosystems into open platforms. This study explores whether a ride-hailing platform should serve riders only with its own vehicles (B2C mode) or adopt an open-platform strategy (hybrid mode), that is, allowing both platform-owned and private vehicles to utilize its platform to provide ride-hailing services. A two-period model with normal and surge periods is built to capture the uneven distribution of demand during a day. Our analytical results reveal that adopting the open-platform strategy allows the ride-hailing platform to purchase fewer vehicles and reduce the idle time of their own vehicles in the normal period. When the vehicle purchase cost is sufficiently high, a pure sharing model, in which the platform does not purchase any vehicle, emerges as the optimal outcome under the open-platform strategy. By admitting private drivers, the platform could lower the service price and serve more riders in the surge period, but may result in a lower service capacity in the normal period when both the vehicle purchase cost and service cost are high. Furthermore, we find that adopting the open-platform strategy can reduce the price gap between the surge and normal periods, thus alleviating public criticism of surge pricing. Interestingly, despite the identified benefits, the platform is not always better off by admitting private drivers; the open-platform strategy is more likely to be profitable when the demand surge is moderate, the vehicle purchase cost is high, or the variable service cost is high.



姜正瑞,管理科学博士,南京大学商学院营销与电子商务系教授,二级教授,博士生导师。在2019年加入南大之前,任美国爱荷华州立大学商学院信息系统与商业分析教授和托米讲席教授。主要研究领域是商务智能与大数据分析,研究特色是将管理学研究与计算机科学研究有效融合,在商业数据分析、机器学习、决策支持和科技创新扩散等方向做出了重要贡献,大多数研究成果发表在国际顶级期刊上(如 Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)。现为国际顶级期刊Information Systems Research 的副主编和Production and Operations Management 的高级编辑,曾任MIS Quarterly 副主编,并获得该刊2016年最佳副主编奖。主持过信息系统领域多个国际和地区性的学术会议。作为项目主持人收到过国家自然科学基金和其他组织的资助,在北美、中国和非洲从事过科研和知识传播的工作。2019年被南京市委市政府授予“南京市高层次举荐人才(A类)”的荣誉称号,2021年获江苏省“双创人才”称号。


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