时间:2021-09-09 阅读量:1586次
报告题目:Treatment Planning in Mass Casualty Incidents
报告地点:腾讯会议(571 927 406)
The current emergency response guidelines suggest giving priority of treatment to those victims whose initial health conditions are more critical. While this makes intuitive sense, it does not consider potential deterioration of less critical victims. Informed by a unique timestamps dataset of surgeries operated in a field hospital set up in response to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, we develop scheduling models to aid treatment planning in mass casualty incidents (MCIs). A distinguishing feature of our modeling framework is to simultaneously consider victim health deterioration and wait-dependent service times in making decisions. We identify conditions under which victims with a less critical initial condition have higher or lower priority than their counterparts in an optimal schedule. Leveraging these structural insights, we develop efficient solution algorithms. A counterfactual analysis shows that adopting our model would significantly reduce both the total number of deteriorated victims (by 32%) and the surgical makespan (by 8%); care coordination among surgical teams could further reduce the number of deteriorated. By demonstrating the value of data-driven approaches in MCI response, our research holds strong potentials to improve emergency response and to inform its policy making.
Nan Liu is an Associate Professor of Business Analytics and William S. McKiernan Family Faculty Fellow at Carroll School of Management, Boston College. His research analyzes the design and regulation of service systems and their application to health services. His research strives to envision health services at an affordable cost, with an easy access, while maintaining high quality. He holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research and an M.S. in Statistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to joining the Carroll School of Management, he was on the faculty of Health Policy and Management Department at Columbia University.
Dr. Liu’s research has been published in leading academic journals across multiple fields, such as Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Health Services Research, Medical Care Research and Review, and Public Administration Review. Among other editorial positions, he is an Associate Editor for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Operations Research, and a Senior Editor for Production and Operations Management.
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