时间:2021-09-07 阅读量:1501次
报告题目:Distributionally Robust Sourcing
报告地点:腾讯会议(426 735 098)
We consider the optimal sourcing problem when the available suppliers are subject to ambiguously correlated supply risks. The problem is motivated by the increasing severity of supply risks and difficulties on evaluating common sources of vulnerability in the upstream supply chain as reported by many surveys of goods-producing firms. In contrast to the majority of existing research, we propose a distributionally robust model that constitutes a promising approach for developing sourcing strategies without requiring an accurate estimate on the underlying correlation. We provide analytical results regarding the form of the worst-case supply distribution that decision-makers may find appealing, especially when exact correlation information is unavailable, due to the severe consequences associated with supply chain risks. Moreover, we show how our distributionally robust model may be used to offer guidance on exerting additional efforts aimed at better understanding the prevailing correlation structure.
Ming Zhao is an assistant professor of operations management in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics. Before joining UD, Dr. Zhao was an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston. After he received a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Industrial & System Engineering at the University at Buffalo, he joined in IBM’s T.J. Watson research center as a Postdoctoral researcher and then a senior operations research specialist in SAS. His research interests include Data Driven Optimization, Risk Management and Healthcare Operations. His recent research has been published in Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, and Mathematical Programming.
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