2004.09-2008.07 吉林大学 计算机科学与技术专业 理学学士
2008.09-2013.07 清华大学 计算机科学与技术专业 工学博士
博士,副教授,硕士生导师。入选辽宁省百千万人才工程万人层次,东北财经大学杰出学者(2014-2018)。在国内外核心学术期刊和学术会议上发表论文20余篇,包括《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《Journal of Supercomputing》《计算机学报》、《电子学报》、《电子与信息学报》、《系统工程学报》等。主持和参与多项国家级、省部级科研项目,其中主持国家自然科学基金1项,教育部人文社科基金项目1项,辽宁省教育厅项目2项。
2013.08--今 东北财经大学 管理科学与工程学院 工作
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Journal of Supercomputing, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Transportation Research Part E, 《控制与决策》等期刊审稿人。计算机学会会员。
2018年7月-2021年12月,教育部人文社科项目,课题名称:服务导向型考虑站点设置的定制班车路径规划研。(批准号:18YJC630185 )
[1] An Effective Local Search Algorithm for the Multi-Depot Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. (Online)
[2] An Effective Optimization Algorithm for Application Mapping in Network-on-Chip Designs[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. (Online)
[3] A Novel Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Emergency Transportation Problems During Post-Disaster Scenarios[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetics Systems, 2018.
[4] Power Aware IP Block Mapping Schemes for Interconnect Networks[J]. International Journal of Control & Automation, 2017.
[5] Novel ant colony optimization methods for simplifying solution construction in vehicle routing problems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016.
[6] A novel heuristic algorithm for IP block mapping onto mesh-based networks-on-chip. Journal of Supercomputing, 72(5), 2016.
[7] A novel two-phase heuristic for application mapping onto mesh-based network-on-chip, IEICE Electronics Express, 13(3), pp. 1-12, 2016.
[8] Conditional forwarding: simple flow control to increase adaptivity for fully adaptive routing algorithms. Journal of Supercomputing, 72(2), pp. 639-653, 2016.
[9] Balancing virtual channel utilization for deadlock-free routing in torus networks. Journal of Supercomputing, 71(8), pp. 1-22, 2015.
[10] TM:一种新的片上网络拓扑结构, 计算机学报,37(11), 2014.
[11] Torus网络中基于中心距离的完全自适应路由算法, 电子学报, 41(11), pp. 2113-2119, 2013.
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